
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

34 Benefits of eating only 2 quota of garlic every day

Many people do not like to eat raw garlic at all. Many people are away from the raw garlic for fear of smell of mouth. But many studies show that the health benefits of raw garlic are much more. There is no pair of raw garlic, especially to overcome various physical problems. These properties of garlic are released in the study of the University of Health and Medical Sciences. Today, know about some of the great qualities of garlic. Know the benefits of eating only 2 koa garlic every day.
1) Works for the recovery of heart. Reduce cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart attack.
2) The spinal cord binds the plumage. Protects the vein from the fatty acids, from deadly disease atherosclerosis.
3) Removes the problems of high blood pressure.
4) The knot protects against the problem of arthritis.
5) Helps in reducing the flu and respiratory problems.
6) The antibacterial material binds the body into bad bacteria, birth and reproduction.
7) Tuberculosis protects against disease.
8) Reduces the pain of pungent and painful blisters in different parts of the body.
9) Due to the inevitability of sex, it protects against trichomoniacis.
10) Enhances digestion and removes constipation problems.
11) Resists colon cancer.
12) Keeps the globular cancer free.
13) Reduces the risk of breast cancer.
14) Protects against rectal cancer.
15) Prostate cancer helps prevent cancer.
16) Removes many problems of digestive system.
17) Removes East Infection.
18) The vein helps in the removal of blood clotting blood.
19) Removes hunger.
20) Destroying the body's internal harmful bacteria and worms.
21. Protecting your eyes from cataracts.
22) Removes joint pain in hands and cures arthritis.
23) Help in controlling diabetes.
24) Remove Staphylococcus infection.
25) Helps to cure dental pain.
26) Keeps acne problems away.
27) Solve the problem of skull.
28. Protects from the skin, scabies, and skin diseases.
29) Free from the pain of blisters in the skin.
30) Faithoside of garlic helps to control asthma problems.
31) Long-term hooping keeps the problem of cough and bronchitis.
32) Without sleep, insomnia keeps the disease free.
33) Protects the skin from aging.
34) Increases the immunity of body diseases.
1) Raw garlic more than 2 quarts can not be eaten. Although garlic is used in cooking, only 2 koa garlic can be eaten a day. 2) If garlic is not allowed to eat garlic allergic or any special reason, it is better to not eat garlic. 3) Excessive garlic may lead to bad breath, vomiting.

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