
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Do not increase weight, eat rice in Petpur at noon (Know some secret tips!)

Many people have given up eating rice in the afternoon to reduce weight or keep them under control. It is difficult for the Bengalis to eat a day rice a day. Eating out of rice does not have any benefit, but the mind also eats the food. As a result, it is eaten and eaten. And the results are exactly the same. Weight is no longer under control. At noon at Petpur, slim and want to stay beautiful?
So keep in mind these tips!
1) Eat rice, eat equal amount of raw vegetables. That is to say, if you eat a cup of rice, then you will eat a cup of salad. You have to eat. This salad may contain cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots etc. Do not give very little salt, no oil. Not even salad dressing.
2) Eat pulses with rice. Eat a fish or meat. Salad, pulses, etc. will reduce your eating habits and reduce it to a greater extent.
3) Before you start eating rice, take the food in the plate. And eat exactly what you eat. Do not take food in the plate repeatedly.
4) Many people ate after bathing at noon. Do not do this thing at all. This reduces the metabolism rate and does not digest food. Weight increases fast
5) Do not sleep after eating rice. Not at all. And do not sit in one place. Take 20 to 30 minutes walk to rice after half an hour.
6) There are many people who practice tea or coffee soon after eating rice. This habit has to be abandoned.
7) Do not eat cooked rice or rice cooked rice cooker at all. And do not eat any potato or betel curry with rice.
There is no excess oil on rice, but rice is a healthy diet. If you eat rice by following the rules described above, fill the stomach, fill your mind but not increase weight. Rather, the weight will decrease if you continue to exercise regularly with one hour.

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